The Gospel According to John is a film that brings John's Gospel "to life" in cinematic splendor, fully dramatized, verse by verse.
"For the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation..." (Romans 1:16)
Funded entirely by the donations of thousands of God's children joining together across culture and denomination, John is a film "created by the body of Christ to bring Jesus to a world that desperately needs Him."
"Everyone whose heart was stirred and whose spirit moved him came and brought an offering for the work of the Lord..." (Exodus 35:21)
The year is 65 A.D. Decades have passed since Jesus walked the land of Israel. He'd fulfilled every word of The Law and Prophets, and performed wonders that could only be of God.
Yet the distance of time and generation has dampened the fire that once burned in the hearts of God's children. Some even question if Jesus truly was Messiah.
And so the Apostle John, now aged, returns to the land of Galilee, to share his eye-witness account. Unfurling the scroll of Moses, he points to its opening words, and begins,
"In the beginning was the Word..."
​And through vivid flashbacks that bring Jesus "to life" in the fullness of His passion and glory, the Gospel unfolds before us in all its power and life-changing wonder,
The Gospel According to John.